Monday, February 2, 2009

Marriage Action Team event at Shaver Lake
Jan 09
We had a great brainstorming meeting with about 35 people that are excited about what we are doing as an organization. Don & I volunteered to take care of all the food so that kept me pretty busy for the week before.
It rained most of the day on Saturday but towards the end of the day it began to snow. The timing was perfect because we were just finished with the meeting. There was no hanging around to visit, everyone scampered out as fast as they could to get down to a lower elevation before too much snow dropped. It was beautiful!! The staff of 6 stayed until noon the next day. We did come prepared with chains.
The meeting was held at 5,000 sf chalet (we were told is wasn't a cabin...oops!), It was the Mt. "cabin" weekend that Ron & Joan McClain (our bosses) bought at our fundraising dessert last fall. Very beautiful place and setting as well.
This was taken on Sunday morning. By noon it was starting to snow fairly heavy so we all decided it was time to go so we wouldn't have to put on chains either.