Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baby Jack Thomas Ogden
21.5" long
born 6-15-09

Just doing my job!!!
We love our grandkids!!

Jacquelyn & Nolan. She invited him to her senior prom. I think they had fun, they are both great kids!!!

It was fun being able to have prom pix taken at our house...didn't always get that chance with boys.

Doug's graduation from Culinary School
May 9, 09 We flew to Portland on Friday, met D & V for lunch and then went on a site seeing adventure. We drove east of Portland to Multnamah Falls on the columbia River Gorge. We saw some beautiful sites and it's only about a half hour from the city. Wow, I'm ready to move....hahaha
Dogwood tree
Another falls on the drive

Saturday was graduation. It was held at the Portland convention center and then the reception was at the school across the river in the heart of town. It was a great event.
Proud mom

New place of employment....yeh!!!!
Sunday was Mother's Day. We went to D & V's in the morning to see their apt. Then to church. After church Vanessa's mom had us over for a lovely brunch. We had a great visit and then went to a movie. It was a great weekend.

Doug & Vanessa's visit over Palm Sunday weekend April 09
Heather hid the Easter eggs. This is a long standing tradition for the Reimer/Ogden family. The more the better.

Ready, set HUNT!!!!

Jacquelyn, Haley, Jenny, Emily & Eden

Jenny, Mel, Eden & Emily

Even Rita found her egg with chocolate eggs...does she look guilty or what?

Tradition to check the birdhouse. The egg from last year is still inside.

That face is worth it all!!!! Not bad for 10 minutes work

So great to have Doug & Vanessa home

Of course food!!V & D
Cooking up some grub....mmmmm Crab!!
From scratch pasta by the lil ole pasta maker Doug. Would you believe how many eggs this takes.

Do you think there are any pots or pans left in the cupboard???

Lovin every minute of this weekend!!! Family Family Family yeh!!

My Easter table

Play time with Uncle Doug
Video game training, learning from the best!!

Easter Sunday spend at Heather & Frank's
great weekend, great food
you are my favorite daughterHaley & Nolan Papa, Haley, Nolan & grammy
Two thorns between the that how it goes....hmmmm
fabulous rose bush
Heathers Iris garden, beautiful!!